What is the Breadcrumb Trail?

What is the Breadcrumb Trail? Do you remember the story of Hansel and Gretel? They left a trail of breadcrumbs in the forest so they could find their way back home, they left a string of clues to help them find their way. These are the stories of my clues or as I affectionately call them “my breadcrumbs”. They help me to navigate my life.

By following the breadcrumbs, I feel encouraged to explore new areas that I may not have previously. They help me to determine what feels right and what doesn’t so I can make better decisions-you know, pay a bit more attention to those “gut feelings”.

The creation of this blog is one of those breadcrumbs. I was quite surprised and to be completely honest here, I grappled with it for months. Sharing myself and my path with others is definitely out of my comfort zone. But, after much reflection and listening, I have come to realize that the idea not only grew on me but has become something I am quite excited about.

The path has not always been easy. There have been times of exhilaration, awe, gratefulness, and pure joy, but there have also been times of darkness, frustration, crying out to God or Source and to the Universe and quite few colorful rantings with them as well. Have I still made the occasional “less than stellar decision”? Do I still feel fear and regret with a dash of feeling of unworthiness thrown in? Do I still have anger toward others? Of course, I do. I have noticed these experiences are happening less frequently, but I also find myself giving more grace to others in situations. Do you know what is happening more frequently? There is greater light, joy, and laughter in my life. I am awakening to loving ALL of me - including my body and discovering more of my heart. I am also becoming more and more open to receiving love from others.

So, in this blog, I will share about my life’s breadcrumbs with you. I will share those little clues that have been strategically placed on my path-the ones that encourage me to take the next step in discovering my true self, the ones that nudge me ever so gently and sometimes not so gently (more like a 2x4 upside the head kind of nudge) out of my comfort zone. My goal and desire is to help you find the breadcrumbs in your own life. I believe that everyone's life’s journey has them; it just takes some cultivating, some awareness, and some willingness to step out and have trust that they are leading you where you need to be.

The breadcrumbs being laid in front of me are leading me on my own journey; my own path to discovery. For me, it has taken cultivating by awareness, believing in them and taking the next step while trusting that they are leading me somewhere unknown…

Planting a seed for thought…. 

Until next time, may your breadcrumb journey be illuminating, exciting and filled with “Aha” moments. 


Elizabeth R. Howser

As Founder and CEO, Elizabeth’s passion is shifting paradigms both of individual’s and workplaces through focusing on the well-being of the Total Person.

Elizabeth possesses over 30 years of Executive Human Resources Leadership experience in For-Profit, Nonprofit and Start-Up companies. She has worked in industries such as Banking, Healthcare, Education and Property Management.

Elizabeth is also a Total Person coach serving clients who desire to learn more about their self, soul power that is uniquely their own, awakening their soul purpose and unearthing their path aimed at improving their growth and fulfillment in life.


Why is a Workplace not called an Employee Community? 


The Choice is Yours