“I feel that at some point in life, we all reach a point when we are unsure where to go next. Sometimes you even feel as though you have all the pieces but are unsure how to put them together to create a life you love. This is when you should call Elizabeth. Her coaching style is a combination of all of her strengths and gifts which uniquely guide you to figuring out for yourself where you want to be and how you will get yourself there. Sessions with her are comfortable and awakening and you leave with such a strong sense of empowerment to truly take charge of your life. For me, what could have taken me years to discover and conquer, if ever, was carefully explored and expedited. I’m so thankful to have worked with her and would suggest it to anyone struggling with life’s tough decisions! “ 

- Sara M. Robbins-Page L.M.T., C.P.T 

"Elizabeth is an amazing Growth Coach. She's so good you don't even notice when she's transitioned from having a friendly conversation with you to your actual coaching session. I always walk away from our sessions feeling empowered and like there was a balance of me discovering solutions and breakthroughs with advice from Elizabeth. Elizabeth is a real natural!" 

- Gina

“I have been working with Elizabeth for coaching for over a year now. She's helped me through a lot of major life events: a new job, a big move, father going through illness. Learning how to better connect to my inner "true" self has really helped me grow into the woman I am meant to be. She is so incredibly intuitive and is able to read exactly what I need to discuss and uncover each session. I have loved our time working together and I am so much better connected to my spiritual guidance team than I could have ever imagined.

- Trish 

“Elizabeth and I have known each other personally and professionally for over 10 years. Our relationship has grown from co-worker to friend to coach.  Her insights have always been so valuable to me that when she launched Hygge I knew it was something I wanted to experience. 

The concept for Hygge was so intriguing; a total person approach utilizing Elizabeth’s natural gift of intuition plus her years of experience in human resources and business development combined to create a brighter fuller life and a better workplace. But where does that start? We talked about that a lot!  As a business owner and a people manager I struggled to find my own path and that is where our journey began.   

Elizabeth transitioned from friend to coach after I sold my business in late 2020, I was feeling lost professionally, stressed personally and my health and my relationships with my family were suffering. Our coaching sessions pushed me beyond my comfort zone at times but the balance of tough questions and the freedom to make my own choices, reflect on the environment around me and what I truly wanted to experience was eye-opening!  

She encouraged me to put things out into the universe, manifest and identify what I wanted, and she helped me plan for the steps forward.  Elizabeth also helped me to recognize when events came together naturally for my benefit, to make sure I didn’t miss those things or forget to be truly grateful for what I have been provided. 

So many of the desires I was able to articulate through Elizabeth’s life coaching have come to fruition, a new job, a harmonious home life, and better health.  I can’t recommend Hygge’s services enough! “

- K. Axline  

“Elizabeth is able to quickly get to the heart of whatever matter you are dealing with at the time, seeing both patterns and individual insights.  Her questions open a new way of thinking.  Her approach is both pragmatic and deeply insightful.  I highly recommend working with her. “


“I had the wonderful privilege to partner with Elizabeth when our paths crossed in our former positions. At the time, our employers were collaborating to create a collective, efficient community care service model for Baltimore City older adults. It was serendipity, I realized how like-minded we were. She recognized that my employer, being a small not-for-profit organization, could benefit from her employer’s help with HR management, employee health and well-being programs as well as employee self-improvement and advancement programs. It was an enormous weight off my shoulders to have her expertise and wisdom so graciously offered. She opened her doors to our employees with generosity and compassion. I remember how she provided grief and trauma counseling when we suddenly lost our colleague and friend from a fatal heart attack while working.

As with the employees she served, she led her HR team to honor the individual, offering a holistic approach by creating initiatives aimed at enhancing an employee’s well-being and quality of life, in essence, illuminating the Total Person. She introduced an on-campus pharmacy for easy, affordable medication access, free exercise classes, and education. Together we offered to employees of both of our companies as well as the older adults in the community: free food distributions, legal services, income tax prep, housing counseling, and many other social support services that improved economic security.

When Elizabeth announced she was resigning to start Hygge, I knew she came to this decision through a thoughtful, spirit-filled journey. And, how perfect! Hygge epitomizes and embraces Elizabeth’s philosophy. Every individual should be given the tools needed to find happiness, fulfillment and success. She believes in creating trust and providing the support and relief one needs to promote work-life balance, feeling valued, and allowing for relationships to grow and flourish whether with family, friends or co-workers. I applaud and appreciate Elizabeth for taking this leap and her strength to follow her conviction. Organizations will benefit from Elizabeth’s leadership in developing Hygge’s HR concepts of achieving supported, successful, productive employees! And, as a result the communities where they work and live will be enriched and vibrant.”

— Liz Briscoe, Former Executive Director of a Non-Profit Organization

“In the six plus years I've worked with Elizabeth, I've found her to be passionate about creating the best benefits package for the employees under her care at the most affordable cost. She has always found creative ways to save the company money while providing an ever more robust wellness program.”

— Claire Braswell, Retired Financial Controller of a Non-Profit Organization