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The Day is Finally Here! One of my favorite days of the year. The NFL Draft!

If you had a chance to read the Q&A on my Hygge website, you will know that this day is one of my favorite days of the year.  For me, it’s as exciting as my favorite holiday, Valentine’s Day!

I’ve been thinking…

Why is that?  I think it’s for many reasons, but the greatest is because it’s the next step in the breadcrumb journey for players, families and teams. As I further reflected on this question, I was brought back to some of my favorite family memories.  Memories of my dad mowing the lawn with a transistor radio in his pocket and a wired earplug in his ear listening to the Baltimore Orioles games and in the fall both the Orioles and the Baltimore Colts games. I was brought back to the many Opening Day games of the Baltimore Orioles and Baltimore Colts that we attended. Sometimes the Baltimore Orioles games were so cold, it felt like we could be watching the Baltimore Colts in the depth of winter.

Those Opening Days held such excitement and hope for the season to come, that our teams would make it all the way to the Super Bowl or World Series.  After the Colts left Baltimore for Indianapolis, there was a void in our sports loving hearts until the Cleveland Browns players and personnel relocated to Baltimore and became the Baltimore Ravens and our football excitement was renewed.  The formation of the Baltimore Ravens lessened the pain of losing the Colts to Indianapolis however, it was at the cost of creating pain for Cleveland and its football fans.

Dad, Mom, my daughter and I watched together and in between games we talked about the latest football news.  My dad knew a lot about football and my mom equally so.  After dad died in 2017, mom formed the “Girls Only” Ravens watching club.  We watched on the big screen in her basement, snacked on our favorite foods and cheered on our beloved Ravens.  Mom would often cheer the loudest for her favorite player, Mark Andrews, who she affectionally called “jumper” for the way he would hurdle over the opponent during his runs in his rookie season.

As my thoughts began to drift beyond these precious memories, my mind was led to the other reasons that I love the NFL Draft so much, I began to envision a microfiber cable.  I realized that my vision was telling me that the first night of the NFL draft weekend is much like a microfiber cable with so many smaller glass fibers with their own role entwined together to form the larger cable covered in an insulated casing.  Each of those glass fibers represent all the individual parts of NFL Draft Night.

Draft night itself is a frenzy of marketing that has been building since the day after the Super Bowl and in some ways even before. The fibers contained within the concert-like atmosphere include the concerts that are going on as part of the festivities as well as the stage(s), lights, football fans who have travelled far and wide and those who aren’t football fans but want to experience all the night has to offer.  The NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell, serves as the Master of Ceremonies and as the man who receives the brunt of the boos from the crowd. Boos he has come to expect, embrace and even encourage.  This exchange between Mr. Goodell and fans are as anchored in the rituals of the night as the NFL draft picks themselves.

Then, let’s call it the green fiber, represents the commentators and prognosticators.  Individuals who spend the night and weekend sharing with us why certain teams will pick certain players and why trades may or may not be made.  This too has gone on since the day after Super Bowl, and for some, even before.

The blue fiber and even the one that my (somewhat liking football) husband remembers and talks about is the chime.  The chime that prompts an emotional response and excitement.  The chime that says to your inner self football fan that the team who is on the board has made its choice and their pick is in.

The yellow fiber represents each team.  Each team has spent hours, days, weeks, months and years preparing for this night and weekend.  Players have been watched and vetted in every single way possible.  Teams, like soon to be drafted players, have worked tirelessly for this night and weekend. They hope that the players which they covet are still on the board or deals can be made so they can get their coveted player or build their war chest for next year or years beyond. A strategy to support and transform their vision and mission for their team (or is it an employee community).

Then, there is the red fiber, the fiber that represents the players.  Tonight, and this weekend, this is the next step in their breadcrumb journey whether they are chosen or not is a BIG breadcrumb.  It could be a half a loaf size breadcrumb.  You see, during the next three days some players will have their dreams, prayers, manifestations, hopes, hard work and sacrifice come true when they receive the much anticipated and desired phone call from the NFL team that has chosen them.  They will hear the chime knowing that their name follows.  After a round of hugs, kisses and congratulations from family, friends, agents and complete strangers those players who are there in person will walk out on stage and receive a team jersey and hat from their new team.

It is at that time, for those players, that their breadcrumb journey takes a turn.  The moment that they dreamed about and prayed and worked so hard for most of their life had just occurred.  They will spend time celebrating it for a night, a week, maybe a month.  And, in that celebration even more breadcrumbs will be placed in front of them.  Where they should live, saying goodbye to friends and loved ones, and in some cases which loved ones will move with them. Then they will have offers and contracts to consider and sign.

They will have become employees for a new employer.  What does that look like? What does the employee community look like?  What are the expectations of the NFL as a whole?  What are the expectations of the players union?  There is the money, in some cases, oh so much money. How is that navigated? What new breadcrumbs, both good and bad, come with that?

For the players who aren’t chosen and don’t receive an invitation to try out for a team, their breadcrumb journey takes a whole different turn.  There are dreams and prayers not answered.  Emotions to process.  New breadcrumbs to look for. New paths to consider.  Paths that may continue to go straight or may go right, left, even some may retreat down the path that is already well known and comfortable.  One thing is for sure - for all these young men, whether drafted or not, there is the guarantee of two things, new breadcrumbs whether seen and recognized (or not) and new paths on their ultimate personal journey of life will be presented to them.

The white and last fiber represents the breadcrumb journey of each of these young men of this 2023 NFL draft whether they are drafted or not.  This white fiber is the last fiber entwined in the middle of all the others and even though covered up, it is the strongest, most powerful and shines the brightest.   It is stronger, more powerful and brighter than the fibers representing all the marketing hype, the bright lights, chimes and concert-like energy of tonight and this weekend.  This fiber is the one that shines like a beacon on the path to their true self…who they were created to be, what they were envisioned to do and in what ways they were destined to help others. 

Until next time, may your breadcrumb journey be illuminating, exciting and filled with “Aha” moments.
